

Phoenician town position today as "Teke Peninsula" in ancient times called the Lycian region is located. Lycia; Pamphylia in the east, west, Caria, in the north is surrounded by Psidya. Teke Peninsula BC Been inhabited since the 3rd millennium is known. But "the archaeological research in this area 2 thousand years old-going resettlement has not yet been determined." In terms of linguistics research with place names used in the region, seen in various parts of Anatolia and BC Dated to year three thousand affinity with the place names in Lycia, BC Which are located in three thousand years gives results. As can be seen, archaeological and linguistic data documents in Lycia, BC In three thousand years will prove to be a residential nature. However, the findings generated by this settlement of the question of who exactly is unable to explain. Lycian Lycian name and many opinions about the origin has been suggested by historians. According to Herodotus, the Lycians had emigrated from Crete is a community. According to Oktay Akşit "Ancient Orient and Egypt, as evidenced resources, Lukka ie Lyceans at least since the mid-2nd millennia BC are people sitting in Lycia." Semahoyuk village which is 11 km Elmali excavations in the early bronze age settlement has revealed. In Finike border and nearby historic ruins Although there are a lot of them go back as far as history is Semahoyuk. In the archaeological research carried out on the remains of the most ancient Lycian civilization, the findings are from the rest. Lycian form alliances with neighboring states to participate in overseas wars, they have a state structure and a strong naval fleet evidence to prove that they are having. In the era of colonization to settle in a city of Lycia be seen just to the east of the BC Lycian strong case Suggests that continued in the 1st century. "Colonization with the transfer of Lycia by the Persians 6th century half invasion of Lycian has the freedom to be independent they are understood. Meanwhile, a strong state that the Lydian, Lycian, also obedience bottom can not afford enough show it." Before the development of the Eastern Mediterranean trade Persians, and then pointed to Lycia Alexander the Great Alexander the Great In 330, all of Lycia was under control. Lycians and they have been delivered to resist this invasion. The reason for this, the pressure of Persia with Alexander are hoping will disappear completely. But unlike after the arrival of Alexander the Lycian Lyceans have not gained full independence once again. "Alexander the Great, after the death of the weakening of control at times, Syria, Egypt and Rhodes in Lycia hegomony the building have led to this confusion, the Lycian Union Limyra Perikles by the BC 2nd century head towards the establishment place again stability has left. beds in later years to become pirates on the coast again "BC Pompeyüs in 67 large orders with authorization to come to this place ended the piracy, MS Lycia, Pamphylia by Emperor Claudius in 43 combined with the name of the new province of Lycia-Pamphylia "was made. With the onset of early Christianity Myra (Demre) in the region has become the center spread of Christianity. Hellenistic and Roman period, losing all value Lycians are swamped with Byzantine rule. Short-term occupation of Arab attacks during the Byzantine period and living area, between the years of 1207-1308 after the Byzantine domination remained in the Anatolian Seljuk rule. To the region during the reign of the Anatolian Seljuk State was placed Teke Boy. Then the demolition of the Anatolian Seljuk Empire in the years 1308-1361 in the district under the control of the principality of the Son Teke Teke Sons of the principality by the Ottomans in 1426 with the abolition of the Ottoman rule began. Apple under Ottoman rule accident accident in 1914, which was the center of a township Phoenicia after World War I in a short period of Italian occupation between 1919-1921 has suffered. Tourism: Its shores to other countries especially in Europe gets dirty shores of the Mediterranean, is one of the world's beautiful sea. Warm, clear, clean waters salty and ownership established on the Mediterranean coast with the famous Phoenician length of 30 km of the beach, with large and small bays has a clean sea. Increased resources sector and Relevance Edremit which is located in the mountains formed by the alluvial deposits of the river plains of the Phoenician coast is shallow and sandy. Mavikent from Finike uninterrupted sandy beach stretches to the west and is more than 30km. Demre, Kas is located in the path of gravel and rocky coves. Located at a distance of 7km and 3km to Finikey Çağıll Located skies are blue flag beaches of Finike financing.

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