


Places to visit:

Santa's "Castle" si, Demre
First name; "Demre was". Then the "Castle" was. In recent years, again is known as Demre. This quaint town of Antalya during the summer season as well as year-end approaches, visitors flocked to. The reason for this; Join in the borough of St. Nikolaus Santa Claus statue in the museum and gardens.
Turkey's natural beauty, historical monuments, sparkling sea and the focus of glasshouse Demre, Kekova Bay in the position closest to the exit door. In the foothills of the Taurus Mountains and the Mediterranean Sea located between the turquoise sea Demre, in the spring with the scent of lemon and orange flowers, all domestic and foreign tourists are fascinated. Traces of Lycian civilization in the city; children, seas and regarded as the protector of travelers St. Nikolaus Museum, is considered the most important place to visit. Therefore, with participants coming from abroad every year for various events going on stage. Covered with trees and flowers in the garden with statues of Santa Claus and St. Nikolaus Museum, custom made against external influences are protected under one roof. Location mosaics, arched halls and rooms, sarcophagi with thousands of tourists visiting the museum, interesting and highly successful scheme has an acoustic sound. Scene tunnel under the sound of standing in the doorway, the other at the mouth of the tunnel spoken very surprising, in a way they can hear echoes an effect.
Those interested in ancient cities, ruins Çayağzı Andriake make a trip on the way up. Çayagzi the coast and the town of Demre (Demre-myrus) delta estuary caretta caretta 1 km long sandy beach while the player; Andriake opened to the Mediterranean in ancient times an important port city of Myra as visitors are guests. At another place in the region, Lycians important city of Myra, BC Founded in the 5th century, and today 1.5 kilometers away from the city center Myra, famous for its ancient theater and rock tombs.
Ancient city gate camel tours are organized for tourists. Trays of health-sollu benches, carpets, souvenirs, trinkets and entered the market from vendors at the site; theater on your right, on the left the chamber tombs carved into the rock's multilayered. With passages between the tombs tourists passing from one to another, reliefs carved into the cliffs and years ago, tipping the overturned Medusa heads are not neglected to picture. Andriake ruins, Çayağzı believed to be curative of the waters of hot springs on the way and one week to cure some of the diseases of the stomach and is believed to be good for skin wounds. Walking around for lovers with lid near the village of "Islam", the Yavin from the village attended and Greek blue means "Kyena the" Demre 5 km away from the ancient fish prophecy famous Lykya city "Sura"'s. According to legend, the oracles of Apollo Fountain öttürün pipe three times the fish are coming in and they were in prophecy. Fish, meat thrown to them is considered good if the local, tail and a bad sign if it will be accepted.
Simena tour: antalya
Çayağzı in round Kekova tourists coming to the position; Simena, Sunken City, Shipyard, leading to Üçağız "Limited Liability Demre Carriers Cooperative" depending on what's thirty boats. Full day tour and rented a small boat next to the six-person boats available for tours. 100 people with the greatest 45-minute boat ride during Simena seaside boardwalk boat berthed passengers to climb to the castle of Kekova There are spectacular views of stills and roam the surrounding tombs. Simena Trays bench before leaving the handiwork of lace, also possible to write and seashells.
Coast restaurants or cafes, there are those who spend their time sitting or swim. Simena leavers, for tour Sign-Ottoman-era name Perfect Dark Castle dark-'re having a swimming break. Shallow and sandy beach, the sea through the sulfur, with very cold water and medicinal attention. Çayagzi returning to the tourists, riding on the bus waiting for them when they leave at 17:00 after another enjoyable alternative tourism line begins. Day tour by "Candy Boat" captain Ali Confectioners for families, fishing with spoons or kertez suitable for trips to places where there are plenty of fish are held. Boat made ​​of barbecue grill caught fish are cooked in the fire, for those who desire the same boat used as a hostel at night. Blankets and bedding, sleeping deck, sea air, indicating that most of the tourists want to enter the captain's cabin, Ali, those who stayed on the boat in the morning offers a breakfast service.turkey

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