

Erosion created by fairy chimneys and amazing picture with everyone's surprise valleys, people's faith in the name of which they've built and up to the present vitality has preserved frescos rock churches, their lives in order to save the earth meters gold-sometimes eight times-that the underground settlements today Cappadocia form. Man and nature hand in hand and one of the wonders of the world has revealed.

Strabo, who lived during the Roman Empire, which was written in the book of Geographika with the name of Cappadocia in the east, Malatya, Aksaray to the west, south and north east of the Taurus Mountains to the Black Sea as a region extending limits. Today, Cappadocia is equal to the fairy chimneys, rock churches and underground cities for being present Cappadocia, these formations is the busiest in Avanos, Urgup, Uchisar, Goreme, Ortahisar, Gülşehir, Derinkuyu Aksaray near Ihlara valley comes to mind.

Geological formations of Cappadocia Erciyes, Hasan Melendiz, with Göllüdag many smaller volcanic mountains, the Upper Miocene era began with the explosion. Regional spread lava lakes, streams found on the various hardness of 100-150 meters consisting of tuff layers have established a high plateau. Over time, this plateau, with the effect of erosion due to wear incredibly emerged today valleys, fairy chimneys and called on the harder rock layer that contains a wide conical shape has been formed. Also seen in several parts of the world Fairy Chimneys, in Cappadocia as intense as anywhere, there is a way. If human beings who benefit from the bounty of nature, which is very convenient to be carved by the thick rock mass that day, according to the terms of the houses, monasteries, churches and underground bunkers were made​​. Especially with the beginning of Christianity to spread in Anatolia, Cappadocia, given the geological structure of this advantage, expressed in thousands of churches and monasteries number and reached number has become the center of Christian monks.

BC Starting from the Hittites settled in the region in 2000 and merging with the locals and established the Great Hittite Empire. During this period Kültepe located near Kayseri (Nesha, Poodle) is a case of a major trade center of the Assyrian Trade Colonies. BC Reigned until 1200 after the collapse of the Hittite Empire was founded Neo-Hittite States. Phrygian, after putting an end to the Late Hittite Giant Kimmer, Med and BC From 547 remained under the rule of the Persians. Persians called Anatolia region separating Satrapies rule. This region is one of today's Cappadocia region in the Persian language "Land of Beautiful Horses" meaning they give the name of katpatuka.

Alexander the Great destroyed the Persian Empire in Katpatuka'dan is an unexpected encounter resistance. Thereupon, the commander of one of the region Sabistas is tasked under our control. However, a Persian nobleman who opposed the people of Ariarathes I. (332-352 BC) the king proclaims. Establish good relations with Alexander I. Ariarathes, expands the boundaries of the Kingdom of Cappadocia. Alexander the Great Kingdom of Cappadocia lived in peace until his death, re-enters a period of war and Pontus, Galatians, Macedonia and the Romans would fight. A.D. Tiberius in 17 states, making connecting to the Roman Empire. Construction of new roads opening to the west, the province of Kayseri increased the importance of the center in the case of trade, the viability of the Assyrian Trade Colonies gained their heyday. In later years, from Iran to be protected from the influx of the Sassanids was surrounded by walls around the city. During the spread of Christianity, the Cappadocia region has increased the importance in this regard and Christianity as the official religion of the Roman Empire was accepted by the Archdiocese has become the center of Kayseri. IV. Archbishop century Christianity with the great effort of the St. Basilius I. settled in the region and in the rocks of a mystical monastic life began.

A.D. Roman Empire In 395 two unmounted, Cappadocia naturally remain within the boundaries of the Eastern Roman Empire. VII. In the early centuries of the Sassanids by the Byzantines and the Sassanids intense battles occur in 6-7 years have held in their hands. A.D. In 651, Caliph Osman States after destroying the Sassanid, Umayyad Arab-exposed to the influx of people of Cappadocia. During this confusion, a Christian sect that has been ongoing conflicts, particularly Emperor III. By Leon ban icons, and reached its zenith İkonaklazm (726-843) begins the period called. Iconoclastic period experienced a massive exodus of Cappadocia, the icon in favor of the Christians who come to the area to worship hiding in monasteries carved into the rocks and continued their activities.

In 1082 Kayseri, Cappadocia following the Seljuks conquered people enter into a peaceful era. Christians worship freely in Seljuk rule, and they build their churches. However, in 1308, of Mongolian origin Ilkhanids Kayseri seized the city demolishes up. This situation will not last and Ottoman period, the region is now relaxed and at peace.

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